What I’m Reading Online

Throughout the day I find myself reading a variety of articles on blogs and news sites, so this next post is about what I found online while surfing the web.

What I’m Reading Now #1: Par-VENT-ing
My friend Katie recently had a child and she puts a nice spin on being a first time mom.  Now, I know I’m not ready to pop out a child anytime soon, and with all my friends having kids I sometimes get overwhelmed by the amount of people experiencing life changes.  Katie does a nice job of keeping her parenting stories humorous but still meaningful.  She’ll lure you in with a catchy blog title and will occasionally include a photo of her adorable son Cole.  For my friends who just had babies or are expecting a child I recommend surfing over to Par-VENT-ing.

What I’m Reading Now #2: Riley and James
Throughout the day I lead a double life.  By this I mean I tweet and Facebook for the Nebraska Humane Society and I tweet and Facebook for myself.  My work life has me reading a variety of pet blogs, so that is why I’m suggesting Riley and James.  The author of Riley and James is Dr. Shawn Finch who is a veterinarian at one or the vet clinics here in Omaha. Her blog is a pet lovers dream containing helpful information about your pets health, friendly reminders to give your pet heartworm treatments and even the occasional guest post.  Her most recent guest post is by her daughter Abbey who did a book review.  If you are an animal lover or pet owner I recommend surfing over to Riley and James to get your fill.

Happy Reading,